
Sowelu is the life-giving energy of the glorious sun and the last rune of elder Futhark. The symbol represents the Wholeness to which we all belong and are connected, the power that ignites the genius in all life. Sowelu stands for Wholeness in the place of creativity.

My methodologie is founded on the Sowelu principle of finding Wholeness through music and Yoga. Practicing yoga and playing music are similar in essence. They both pull awareness of the inner self in movement. The attention is directed to the breath, the posture and the ability to hear from within. When applying yogic principles to playing music and musical principles to doing yoga, you are being an instrument of living joy in the world!
in person and virtual.
Contact: [email protected] for bookings.
– Sol Fluid Express events with live band
– Private and group yoga sessions
– Exclusive Guitar and piano lessons for individuals or groups

Sowelu Vision
Launch the “Esther Forest” Foundation with mission to:
Open music learning centers for children in America & Africa
Support the healing of all water in the world
Fight for endangered species